Monday, April 27, 2015

Schedule April 27 - May 1

Monday, April 27

Lecture:  Intro to Imperialism.  Here is the notesheet.

Tuesday, April 28

Lecture: Imperialism in Africa (Continue with the notesheet from yesterday)

Wednesday, April 29

Lecture:  The Congo Today.  You will watch a short film about Congo and compare maps of Africa today with Africa during imperialism,

Thursday, April 30

Movie:  Blood Diamond.  During class we are going to watch the film Blood Diamond, which is about a civil war in Sierra Leone during the late 1990s. Here is the analysis guide. You will need to compare this with what happened in the Belgian Congo 100 years earlier.  Then, you will be writing a MelCon.

Here is the trailer for the film.

Friday, May 1

Continue watching Blood Diamond

On Tuesday, we will be writing a MelCon in class and taking a short quiz over the film.

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