Sunday, August 25, 2013


Monday, August 26

Lecture:  The Neolithic Revolution

Homework:  Read the article "At Home."  Tomorrow we will be using the article to examine reading skills

Tuesday, August 27

1.  Quiz over the article?  Hmmmmm.  Maybe.
2.  Using the article "At Home," we will examine reading skills by completing the sheet, "Reading Skills in World History: A [Re]Introduction"

If not completed in class, finish the sheet for homework.

Wednesday, August 28

Lecture:  Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt

Thursday, August 29

Lecture:  Ancient Egypt, India and China

Friday, August 30  BRING BOOK TODAY

Introduction to "Specific Definitions."

Read chapter 1 (pages 14-23) and Chapter 2 (pages 29-34).  Complete the Reading Guide.  Due on Tuesday, September 3.

Don't forget:  the reading guide for Chapters 1-2 due on Tuesday!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Schedule August 21-23

Welcome to the 2013-14 school year!

Wednesday, August 21

Introduction to the course.  We will discuss class rules and expectations.

Homework:  Read, "Prehistoric Art."  Complete reading guide for Monday!

Thursday, August 22

Lecture:  What the study of history has to do with Ferris Bueller and Homer Simpson

Friday, August 23

Lecture and demonstration:  How art began

Have a great weekend!

Reading guide is due on Monday!

Welcome to 2013-14

Welcome to the website for Mr. Janu's World History class.  Here you will find everything you need to be successful.  All homework and readings are available online and each week a schedule will be posted.

I look forward to meeting you this year!