Sunday, September 14, 2014

Schedule September 15-19

TEST WEEK!  All missing work must be in by Thursday or it will be counted late!

Monday, September 15

Lecture:  Avatar and the Origins of Hinduism.  There is a note sheet that goes with this lecture.

Tuesday, September 16

Document Based Question:  Intro to Documents, Part 1

Over the next two days, you will be looking at documents from the civilizations in this unit to answer an essay promt.  You will categorize the documents and write a statement that explains the main idea of each document.

The Document Packet can be found here.

Wednesday, September 17

Continue with the DBQ.  Today, you will be grouping the docments in common themes and write a thesis statement.

Thursday, September 18

1. Collect the DBQ and discuss
2. Review for the test

Tonight, starting at 8:30, I'll be in the chat room conducting a review session.  If you would like to join, your user name is "first.last" and the password is your id number.

Friday, September 19

Test Unit 1!

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