Sunday, February 2, 2014

Schedule February 3-7

Monday, February 3

Lecture:  Introduction to the Reformation

Read p. 488-494.  The quiz for this section will be due on Wednesday night.  Or, you can complete the reading guide.

Tuesday, February 4

Martin Luther Reading and MelCon.  In a book entitled,  The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History Martin Luther is ranked #25.  You will read the chapter and write a MelCon explaining the reasons you think Martin Luther should be ranked as one of the most influential people in history.  This will be due at the end of the period.

Wednesday, February 5

Lecture:  The Reformation Continues

Make sure you read p. 488-494.  The quiz is due TONIGHT by midnight.  Or, complete the reading guide.

Thursday, February 6

The Reformation:  Calvin and the King

Friday, February 7

Finish Reformation.  Review for test by completing a Renaissance and Reformation word scramble.

The Quiz over the Renaissance and Reformation will be on MONDAY.  On Sunday night, I will be available in the History Talk Chat Room if anyone wants helps studying or if you have any questions.  I will be there around 8:30 or so.  Be there or be ☐.

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