Monday, November 28, 2011

Schedule November 30-December 2

Monday, November 28

Lecture:  The Rise of Nations:  England and France

Study for Middle Ages Quiz (Chapters 13-14) for Wednesday

Tuesday, November 29

Lecture:  The 100 Years' War and the end of the Middle Ages

Quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 30   BRING BOOK TODAY

1.  Quiz:  Middle Ages
2.  Work on "Africa Empires" sheet.  Due on Friday.

Thursday, December 1

Lecture:  Empires in Africa

Reading Guide and Map due tomorrow.

Friday, December 2  BRING BOOK TODAY

Intro to the Mongols.  Work on Mongols Ch 12 Activity.  Due Monday.

Your Unit 3 test is on Thursday.  The test will cover Chapters 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.  The test will be based on the "Essential Questions" from your Unit Sheet.  It will be mostly multiple choice,  with a map and a reading as well.

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