Sunday, December 11, 2016

Schedule: December 12-16

Monday, December 12

Today, you will be working on a webquest, covering the Maya, Aztec and Inca.  Below is a list of links for the webquest.

Maya, Aztc and Inca Map
Religions of the Mayan, Aztec and Inca
Maya Article
Mayan Achievements
Mayan Calendar
Aztec History
Aztec Decline
Inca Empire
Incan Roads
Incan Writing
Macchu Pichu

Tuesday, December 13

Lecture: MesoAmerica: The Mayans, Aztec and Inca

Wednesday, December 14

Review for test

Thursday, December 15

Test over Renaissance, Reformation, African Empires and MesoAmerica

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Schedule December 4 - 9

Monday, December 5

Lecture: Reformation. There is a notesheet that goes with this lecture.

Tuesday, December 6

Notesheet Quiz!  Renaissance and Reformation

Wednesday, December 7

Today, we are going to be doing an Africa Empires Map Activity. You will need to use the following resources to fill out the map:

Chapter 15 in your World History Textbook
Maps of the World

Thursday, December 8

Lecture: Empires of Africa: Ghana and Mali. There is a notesheet for this.

Friday, December 9

Lecture: Empires of Africa: Ethiopia and Great Zimbabwe.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Schedule October 24 - 28

Monday, October 24

Video: Mankind: Warriors  On this episode of Mankind, we will see what happens when the Roman Empire collapses.  There is a sheet that goes with this film.

Tuesday, October 25

1. Finish film. Discuss
2. Map of Europe in 750.  Map can be found here.

Wednesday, October 26

Lewis University Field Trip!

Thursday, October 27

Lecture: The Byzantine Empire. There is a sheet that goes with this lecture.

Don't forget: TONIGHT is FRIGHT FEST, 2016!

Friday, October 28

The Crusades! We will be completing a packet on the Crusades, which can be found here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Schedule October 11 - 14

Tuesday, October 11

Today, we will be starting Unit 2. The first part of this unit deals with religions.  In class, we will be working on a webquest about Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Here is the website:

Three Religions, One God website

Wednesday, October 12

No School

Thursday, October 13

Lecture: Hinduism and Avatar. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Friday, October 14

Today, we will work on a Christianity Webquest.  Here is the website:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Schedule September 6 - 9

Tuesday, September 6

Finish the document activity for River Valleys. When it is submitted, you need to take the "Check for Understanding." You need to score at least an 18 in order to get credit. You can take it as many times as needed.

If you do not finish this in class, you will need to finish it on your own. Grades need to be submitted this week!

Wednesday, September 7

Lecture: The World of Homer: An Introduction to Ancient Greece. There is a notesheet that goes with this.

Thursday, September 8

Document Activity: Persia and Greece.  You will work on this during the period. We will revisit this on Monday. Just like before, you will have a check for understanding that will be made available on Monday. You will have time to work on this on Monday.

Friday, September 9

Video: Mankind, Episode 2.  There is a sheet that goes with this.

Schedule September 6 - 9

Tuesday, September 6

Finish the document activity for River Valleys. When it is submitted, you need to take the "Check for Understanding." You need to score at least an 18 in order to get credit. You can take it as many times as needed.

If you do not finish this in class, you will need to finish it on your own. Grades need to be submitted this week!

Wednesday, September 7

Lecture: The World of Homer: An Introduction to Ancient Greece. There is a notesheet that goes with this.

Thursday, September 8

Document Activity: Persia and Greece.  You will work on this during the period. We will revisit this on Monday. Just like before, you will have a check for understanding that will be made available on Monday.

Friday, September 9

Video: Mankind, Episode 2.  There is a sheet that goes with this.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Schedule August 29 - September 1

Monday, August 29

1. Finish Mankind, Episode 1.  There is a sheet for this video.
2. Finish Lecture on Neolithic Revolution. Here is the sheet again.

Tuesday, August 30

Lecture: River Valley Civilizations. Map plus Mesopotamia. There is a notesheet for this lecture that we will be filling out all week.

Wednesday, August 31

Lecture: River Valley Civilizations. Egypt and Mummification

Thursday, September 1

Lecture: River Valley Civilizations. India and China.

Friday, September 2

Notesheet Quiz #1. Today, we will be taking a notesheet quiz over everything we have done so far. You get to use your notesheets on this quiz.

When we are done, we will begin a River Valley Civilization Document Activity. We will be doing this activity in Schoology.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Schedule August 22-26

Monday, August 22

Welcome Back!

1. Intro to the class. Seating Chart.
2. Student information sheet

Tuesday, August 23

Lecture: Art, History and Pop Culture. There is a sheet for this lecture.

Wednesday, August 24

Sophomore Art Forum:  Meet in the Theatre! Here is a preview for the forum.

Thursday, August 25

Lecture: Intro to the Neolithic Revolution. There is a sheet that goes with this.

Friday, August 26

Today, we will be watching episode one of Mankind: The Story of All of Us.

Click here for the video sheet.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!

Welcome to the new school year. I am looking forward to guiding you through the wonderful world of World History!  You'll be meeting some very interesting characters. Like this guy:

And this guy:

Click on the link below to view a copy of the course syllabus.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Schedule May 31 - June 3

This week we will be watching the movie, Captain Phillips.  There is a notesheet for the film.  Plus, you will need to complete a checklist in Schoology that looks at the historical accuracy of the film, plus modern piracy. That checklist is due on Friday, June 3. No exceptions.

Here is the film, if you miss any of the days we are watching it.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Schedule May 23 - 27


Monday, May 23

2. Current Conflicts in the World: You will be examining current conflicts in the world and their potential for expanding.  Here is the sheet.

Tuesday, May 24

2. Finish Conflicts in the World sheet. Then start the Headlines of the World Activity in Schoology. Throughout the course of this activity, you will be examining headlines from all of the areas around the world.

Wednesday, May 25

2.  Continue Headlines of the World Activity Schoology. 

Thursday, May 26

2.  Continue Headlines of the World Activity in Schoology. You will need to finish this for tomorrow.

Friday, May 27

2. Current Events Quiz

Monday, May 16, 2016

Schedule May 16 - 20

Monday, May 16

Introduction to the creation of Israel. Today, you will be filling a map and answering some questions. Click here for the activity.

You will need to use Chapter 34 in your textbook.

Tuesday, May 17

The Creation of Israel. You will be watching a video and also completing a timeline about Israel.

Wednesday, May 18

Notesheet Quiz: Decolonization of Africa and India and the Creation of Israel

Thursday, May 19

Review for the Test.

Friday, May 20

Test: Unit 7

Monday, May 9, 2016

Schedule May 9 - May 13

Monday - Tuesday

Finish watching Hotel Rwanda. There is a sheet for this.

Wednesday, May 11

1. Quiz: Hotel Rwanda
2. Lecture: Decolonization in India

Thursday, May 12

Continue lecture on decolonization in India

Friday, May 13

Lecture: The Birth of Israel

Monday, May 2, 2016

Schedule May 2-6

Monday, May 2

1. Pre-Quiz: Decolonization
2. Decolonization in Africa Activity.  You will complete an activity about Africa based on a reading. The activity includes a map.

Click here for the reading.

Tuesday, May 3

Lecture: The Decolonization of Africa.  There is a sheet that goes with this lecture.

Wednesday, May 4

Forum: Sudan and Genocide

Thursday, May 5

Lecture: Introduction to Rwanda
Start watching Hotel Rwanda

Friday, May 6

Continue watching Hotel Rwanda

Monday, April 18, 2016

Schedule April 18 - 22

Monday, April 18

Today, we will be talking about the PSAT and taking a practice PSAT reading test.

Tuesday, April 19

No Class!  PSAT Day!

Wednesday, April 20

Pre-Quiz: The Cold War
Lecture: Living in the Nuclear Age: The Cold War Begins. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Thursday, April 21

Finish lecture from yesterday

Friday, April 22

Cold War Gallery Walk

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review for the Test

The test is on Friday, April 15.  There will NOT be an online review session this time around. But you have all of the materials that you need to do well on the test.

Here are some resources for you to use:

Unit 6 Overview
Unit 6 Review
Unit 6 Flashcards

Good luck!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Schedule April 11 - 15

Monday, April 11

Lecture:  The Manhattan Project. There is a sheet for this lecture.
Finish the video from Friday.

Tuesday, April 12

Today, you will complete a checklist in Schoology. The checklist will include a quiz for World War II battles and a DBQ packet for the Holocaust. This will be due on Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 13

Lecture: The Holocaust

Thursday, April 14

Review for the Test.

Friday, April 15

Test over Unit 6: World War II

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Schedule April 5 - 8

Tuesday, April 5

Lecture:  Hitler's march of Conquest. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Wednesday, April 6

World War II Gallery Walk. Today, you will be walking around the room using QR codes to fill out a map of the war. Each station has a particular battle or event. Make sure you put the event in the right place on the map. Click here for the map.

Here are the stations:

Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Station 6
Station 7
Station 8
Station 9
Station 10
Station 11
Station 12
Station 13
Station 14
Station 15
Station 16

Thursday, April 7

Finish the lecture for Hitler's Conquest of Europe

Friday, April 8

Video: Apocalypse: World War II. Episode 6: Hell   For this video, you will answer some questions. Click here for the video sheet.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Schedule March 28 - April 1

Monday, March 28

Welcome back!!!!

Today, we will be looking at Jazz, Hitler and Swing Kids. You will be doing a webquest that will examine these things.  The site it  Click here for the Webquest sheet.

You will not have time to work on this tomorrow in class. So, get done as much as possible and then you will need to finish it on your own.  We will have a test over Swing Kids and this packet next Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 29

Today, we will start watching the movie, Swing Kids.  There is a sheet that goes with it.

Wednesday, March 30

Swing Kids!

Thursday, March 31

Continue Swing Kids

Friday, April 1

Finish Swing Kids

There is no school on Monday. You will need to have the webquest and the viewing guide done by Tuesday. We will have a test over everything on Tuesday!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Test Preparation

We have a Unit 5 Test tomorrow!  Woo Hoo!

Some things to study:

Unit 5 Objective Sheet:  This sheet has all of the terms for the unit and the questions you need to answer.

Flashcards: Here are some flashcards for the unit.

Also, don't forget there is a study session TONIGHT. It starts at 8 pm.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Schedule March 7 - 11

Monday, March 7

Lecture: The Russian Revolution, Part 1. There is a notesheet that goes with this.

Tuesday, March 8

Notesheet Quiz: World War I
Lecture: The Russian Revolution, Part 2. There is a notesheet that goes with this.

Wednesday, March 9

Finish discussion of the Russian Revolution

Thursday, March 10

Review for Unit test.  Tonight I will be online starting at 8:00 pm for a review study chart.

Friday, March 11

Unit 5 Test

Monday, February 29, 2016

Schedule February 29 - March 4

Monday, February 29

Quiz: War Horse
Finish discussing Trench Warfare

Tuesday, March 1

Today you will be completing a webquest on World War I. Use the links below to complete the webquest.

Google maps: Vimy Ridge
Machine Guns
No Man's Land
Rat Infestation
Trench Foot
World War I by the Numbers

Wednesday, March 2

Lecture: The United States Enters the War.  There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Thursday, March 3

Lecture: Europe After World War I

Friday, March 4

Notesheet Quiz: World War I
Lecture: Russia before the Revolution. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Friday, February 26, 2016

War Horse

For the last few days we have been watching War Horse, a 2012 movie directed by Steven Spielberg. There is an activity packet we needed to complete during the film.

You can download the packet here.

If you missed any of the film, you can watch it online via the link below:

Watch the film below.

We will have a quiz over the film on Monday!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Schedule February 22 - 26

Monday, February 22

Lecture:  World War I beginnings. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Tuesday, February 23

Pre-Quiz: World War I

Start watching War Horse. There is a packet that goes with this film. We will have a quiz when the movie is over.

You can watch the movie by clicking this link.

Wednesday, February 24

Continue War Horse

Thursday, February 25

Continue War Horse

Friday, February 26

Finish War Horse

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Imperialism Lecture Notes

If you were absent for any part of this unit on Imperialism, you can access the lecture notes below.

Imperialism Lecture Notes

The notes covering all of imperialism are contained in that document.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Schedule February 16 - 19

Tuesday, February 16

Lecture: Imperialism in Africa. There is a notesheet that goes with this.

Video, Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth

Wednesday, February 17

Lecture: Imperialism in Asia. There is a notesheet that goes with this

Thursday, February 18

Notesheet Quiz: Imperialism!

Friday, February 19

Quiz: The World before War

Monday, January 25, 2016

Schedule January 26- 29

Tuesday, January 26

Welcome back!

1. New seats!
2. Prequiz: Revolutions, Romanticism and the Industrial Revolution
3. Lecture: From Reaction to Revolution, Part 1. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Wednesday, January 27

Lecture: From Reaction to Revolution, Part 2.

Thursday, January 28

Lecture: New Age of Art--Romanticism!  There is a notesheet for this lecture. Next week, you will be given a new blog post on Romanticism in art. So this is going to be important!

Friday, January 29

Webquest: Latin American Revolutions.  On this webquest, you will be examining revolutions in Haiti, South America and Mexico. Here is the sheet for the webquest.

The website you will use is

Friday, January 15, 2016

DBQ Rewrites

This weekend, you will have an opportunity to rewrite your DBQ if you so choose.  If you do rewrite, please make sure that you follow the correct MelCON format:

Main Idea with three CHANGES identified
Evidence for Change #1
Link for Change #1
Evidence for Change #2
Link for Change #2
Evidence for Change #3
Link for Change #3

We used this example in class.

The social and economic changes brought about by the Neolithic Revolution include the domestication of animals, the building of large, permanent settlements and, most importantly, the creation of specialized labor. First of all, in document A there is a picture of a dog walking with an early human settler, showing that dogs were one of the first animals to be domesticated. This is a social effect of the Neolithic Age because dogs have helped humans with hunting and protection. Secondly, during the Neolithic Revolution permanent settlements starting appearing along rivers all over the world, as seen in the map of river valley civilizations in Document G. This is a social impact of the Neolithic Revolution because these settlements soon developed into cities which demonstrated the rise in population due to the farming along rivers. Most importantly, document B is a picture of workers in Sumer and demonstrates that some cities had people performing different jobs such as farmers, scribes and metalworkers. This is an economic effect of the Neolithic Revolution because due to the creation of cities, people could now do various jobs and sell their products or labor. This helped create a more advanced economy in human society. In conclusion, the domestication of animals, the building of large permanent cities and, most importantly the specialization of labor were the most important effects of the Neolithic Revolution and led to the creation of modern human societies.

The rewrite is due on Tuesday! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Schedule January 11 - 15

Monday, January 11

Lecture:  The French Revolution. Today, we will be looking at the French Revolution. There is notesheet for this lecture.

Tuesday, January 12

Today, you will be working on a worksheet about Napoleon. You will need to use Chapter 23 in your text.  Remember: the password is grens!

Wednesday, January 13

Lecture: Napoleon. Today, we will look at the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. There is a sheet that goes with this.

Thursday, January 14

Napoleon Tweets!  If Napoleon had Twitter, what would his tweets be like? Can you match the tweet with the event?

Friday, January 15

1. Notesheet Quiz: The French Revolution and Napoleon
2. Final exam review packet

Tuesday, January 19

Review for Final Exam


Final Exams!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Schedule January 4-8

Monday, January 4

Welcome Back!

Today, we are going to start learning about the Enlightenment. In Schoology, you will need to complete a couple of review activities and then download the Enlightenment Webquest. You will work on this today and tomorrow. At the end of the activity, you will need to take a "Check for Understanding" quiz.

Tuesday, January 5

Finish the webquest and take the  "Check for Understanding" quiz.

Wednesday, January 6

Lecture:  The Enlightenment. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Thursday, January 7

Lecture: From Enlightenment to Revolution. There is a notesheet for this lecture.

Friday, January 8

Finish lecture.  Start watching Andrew Marr's History of the World: Revolution.  There is a sheet that goes along with this video.

06 History of the World - Revolution - Andrew... by tovelay