Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Schedule November 18 - 22

Monday, November 18

Today, we will be watching a video on the Roman Empire and Christianity--as a summarization of Rome.  There is a sheet that goes with it.

We have a quiz over Rome on Wednesday.  You need to know the following things:

Geography of Rome
Roman Republic
Law of the 12 Tables
Punic Wars
Julius Caesar
The Rise of Christianity
The section on the emperors will be from what you did in groups.

A matching section for the emperors

Several questions about the emperors
The Fall of Rome-Reasons
Barbarian invasions

Tuesday, November 19

1.  Lecture:  The Fall of Rome
2.  Go over reading guides

Wednesday, November 20

Quiz:  The Roman Republic and Roman Empire

Read p. 200-207.  Complete Reading Guide for Chapter 7: China.  Due Friday.

Thursday, November 21

Lecture:  The Han Dynasty in China

Reading Guide for Chapter 7 due tomorrow.

Friday, November 22

Lecture:  The Han, the Romans and the Legacy of the Classical Age

Your unit test is on TUESDAY of NEXT WEEK!  Check you UNIT 2 Overview for a list of things you need to know!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Starting this week, help will be available after school for those of you who want help in World History.

Help will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244.  This is a good change to get reading guides done that you have not turned in---help on specific definitions, help studying for tests.  Anything you need.

Schedule November 12-15

Tuesday  11-12-13

1.  Introduce Emperors project
2.  Complete activity in your Emperor groups

Read p. 168-172.  Complete the Reading guide for Chapter 6 section 3.  Due Thursday.

Wednesday, November 13

Emperor Project, Day 2: Today, you will wrap up learning about your emperor.  Then, you will get into teaching groups and exchange information

Reading guide for Chapter 6, section 3 due tomorrow!

Thursday, November 14

Emperor Project, Day 3:  Today, you will finish teaching your emperor then get back into your original groups to write a few quiz questions.

Friday, November 15

1.  Quiz over the emperors
2.  Thesis and Evidence Activity

Monday, November 11, 2013

Latin Phrase that Pays--Veteran's Day

Latin Phrase that Pays: Veteran's Day Edition

Cecidit honorificat, memento veterānōrum.

Email me the correct translation!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Latin Phrase that Pays for Thursday!

World History:  Latin Phrase that Pay for Nov 7:

Tuus praeceptoris historia est ammodum hominem inusitatum.

Email me the correct English translation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Latin Phrase that Pays for Wednesday!

Here is the Latin Phrase That Pays for Wednesday!

Caterva carissima mea est Cogito Draconis.

Email me the answer!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Latin Phrase That Pays

Today's "Latin Phrase that Pays:"

Amicus verus est canis.

In order to get credit for this, you need to be the first person to email me the correct translation. Good luck!

Schedule November 3-7

Monday, November 3

Lecture:  The Punic Wars

The reading guide for Chapter 6, sec 1 is due TOMORROW!

Tuesday, November 4

Lecture:  The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar

Homework:  Read Chapter 6 section 2, pages 160-165.  OPTIONAL: Complete the reading guide and turn it in on Wednesday.  Even if you don't do the reading guide, you still need to read!

Wednesday, November 5

Lecture:  The Roman Empire begins:  The Reign of Augustus

The OPTIONAL reading guide is due tomorrow

Thursday, November 6

Video:  Gladiators: The Brutal Truth

Read p. 168-172.  Complete the Reading guide for Chapter 6 section 3.  Due Tuesday.

Friday, November 7

Lecture:  The Rise of Christianity

Complete reading guide for Chapter 6 section 3.  Due on Tuesday!